Monday, July 27, 2020

Review of These Nameless Things by Shawn Smucker

Dan has escaped the mountain. But his brother is still trapped there and Dan waits. He waits in the village that was created for those who have escaped the mountain. The village where only 8 are left as everyone else has moved on to the East. The day to day living becomes normal routine. Until a woman shows up and shakes Dan to his core. All of a sudden he is faced with memories of life before the mountain and has to figure out if he should go back and get his brother. But that means going back in to the mountain. And is his brother's life worth giving his own life for?

This book was baffling and amazing all rolled in to one. I could not figure out what was going on in the first chapters of this book. And I believe it was intended that way. What an intriguing, gripping, head spinning story that has so many layers of depth to it! This story kept me thinking well after being finished. Not just the story itself, but the deeper meanings of life, guilt, forgiveness, living life and the bigger picture of God's story. Shawn wove yet another book that brings the reader in from a completely different angle than expected and throws twists in along the way. It's like the carrot dangling ahead of the donkey. You just keep turning the pages to see if you can grasp what is going on and what is going to happen.

Revell Reads sent me this complimentary copy to review for them. Opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Transitioning: part three - a ministry goodbye

Leaving is starting to sink in a bit.

The last time we said a hard goodbye was three years ago. I remember the tears that flowed while standing in our driveway. Not wanting to let go. But in the back of my head I knew we'd be back.

Not this time. More than likely, we won't be moving back to the Seattle. And that's what makes it hard. I'm also leaving a ministry that I have poured myself into over the past two and a half years. A road I've never traveled.

I'm now realizing how much I immersed myself into the volunteers and families at my job. And now it's coming to a close. The goodbyes have already started. There will be a many more this Sunday as it's my last Sunday on the job. I've already started hearing, "my kids are so sad you're leaving" to "I'm really going to miss you" to the "what are we going to do without you" comments. Comments that are not easy to hear and squeeze my heart.

It's hard to imagine not being here. Not going into church bright and early on Sunday mornings. Hearing "hi Jean!" by the kids. Getting hugs from the little ones. Chatting with the volunteers.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

To Find Me

I have a different blog that I post on. Click HERE and you will be taken to my blog.